Powered Up Pancakes - XO Jacqui

Powered Up Pancakes


¼ cup of XO Jacqui Protein Powder
½ cup of extra liquid (we use almond milk)
Your favorite pancake recipe


Add protein powder and extra liquid to your favorite pancake recipe for a breakfast with some extra staying power. Cook on a lower heat for a little longer to preserve the nutrients in the protein powder. We love adding 1 cup of fresh blueberries to our pancakes to increase the taste and nutrition. Kids will love these pancakes too!

Why It’s Awesome

Did you know that the XO Jacqui Berry Pomegranate mix and just 1 cup of fresh blueberries prior to a strenuous athletic performance is enough to actually blunt oxidative stress, dilate the blood vessels and help with muscle fatigue? Whoah! Trick out your basic pancakes with any of the XO Jacqui protein mixes plus blueberries so you can feel good about the Saturday morning solid start to the weekend.

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