Daughter's Blend | Cycle Support Protein Powder | Daughter's Blend Berry Pom - XO Jacqui
Daughter's Blend | Cycle Support Protein Powder | Daughter's Blend Berry Pom - XO Jacqui
Daughter's Blend | Cycle Support Protein Powder | Daughter's Blend Berry Pom - XO Jacqui

Daughter's Blend

One Month Supply

63 total reviews

CYCLE SUPPORT PROTEIN POWDER Our favorite berry pomegranate flavor made to ease monthly bloat, cramps, and balance hormones, thanks to hibiscus known for its mood-stabilizing benefits. Sweet without the sugar, packed with vital nutrients for muscle and bone health, it's a daily staple for our daughters—and now, yours. All organic and great for smoothies, shakes, or even your baking projects. Plus, our packaging is eco-friendly! Your Mom would be so happy!

    Regular price $68
    Regular price Sale price $68
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    Effective support for menstrual cycle health. Not loaded with sugar. Simple, yummy and great for you.
    A blend of essential vitamins, minerals, and protein for strong muscles and bones.
    Made with high-quality, organic ingredients, ensuring purity and potency.
    Perfect for smoothies, shakes, or baking, adding nutritional value to your favorite recipes.
    Packaged with the environment in mind, supporting sustainability alongside women’s health.
    Your Mom would be so happy!


    Made with six all natural 100% Organic ingredients, gluten, nut, soy and dairy free.
    Hibiscus, Beetroot, Blueberry, Pomegranate, Brown Rice, and Monk Fruit.

    How to Use

    Shake 1/4 cup powder with 8 oz plant based milk or blend into your favorite smoothie. Use 1/3 cup in 12 oz liquid for a post-workout protein bump.

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    Daughter's Blend | Cycle Support Protein Powder | Daughter's Blend Berry Pom - XO Jacqui

    Daughter's Blend

    Regular price $68
    Regular price Sale price $68

    Why Daughter's Blend?

    This Blend Is Needed

    We couldn't ignore the requests we were getting from our customers for a product they could give to their daughters. (Actually, we kept seeing images on social of young women using it because their moms were). Thus, Daughter's Blend was born. Same great taste, new formula designed for young women who still have decades before they first google 'peri-menopause.'

    Relieve Symptoms

    Hibiscus supports menstrual pain through hormonal balance and it is also prized for its antidepressant properties which can help manage mood swings and anxiety during menstrual cycles.

    Balance Hormones

    A proprietary blend of six science-backed organic ingredients to balance hormones through the ups and downs of your cycle all month long.

    Strong All Through Your Cycle

    Ingredients that promote skin and hair health, are beneficial for bone and teeth health, and even contribute to cognitive well-being.

    Natural Sugar Alternative

    You're Sweet Organic Sweetener

    High sugar intake can disrupt hormonal balance and cause inflammation. That’s why our You’re Sweet has just one gram of sugar and seven calories. Made to reset your palate over time. By reducing processed sugar, you can help support hormonal balance, and promote overall well-being.