Power to the Pause | Hot Flash Symptom Relief Boost | Cool Boost - XO Jacqui
Power to the Pause | Hot Flash Symptom Relief Boost | Cool Boost - XO Jacqui
Power to the Pause | Hot Flash Symptom Relief Boost | Cool Boost - XO Jacqui

Cool Hot Flash Relief Boost

63 total reviews

20 servings

Our Cool Boost relieves hot flashes with a science-backed blend of red clover, rose hip, and orange. Bonus...it also eases night sweats, and improves sleep. Think of it as your personal, all-natural menopause management assistant, working round the clock to ensure you stay cool and comfortable.

    Regular price $22
    Regular price Sale price $22
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    • Significantly reduces hot flashes and night sweats
    • Promotes bone and joint health
    • Aids in blood circulation, reducing menopause discomforts
    • Maintains urinary tract elasticity to combat incontinence
    • Enhances sleep quality for better rest during menopause
    • Supports overall well-being by addressing physical, emotional, and mental aspects of menopause

    Three 100% Organic Ingredients. Made with Red Clover, Rose Hip and Orange.

    How to Use

    Add 1 teaspoon or so of your favorite boost to any XO smoothie recipe, or favorite drink. Use anytime, whenever you feel that hot flash coming on. Or better yet, daily, to get that consistent relief from this especially inconvenient, hot at the wrong moment, menopause symptom. 

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    Sometimes you feel a little hot, sometimes you bloat?

    Nature to the rescue with our 3 organic ingredient menopause symptom relief boosts - target what's really going on! We've made 6 so far and more on the way.

    How does this help?

    We've all been there. We try a protein powder packed with ingredients and it overwhelms our system. With boosts you can tailor your smoothie to what is going on with you. It's your smoothie your way with our protein powder as the foundation.

    How do I use the boosts?

    Add a serving to your smoothie or mocktail (we are big fans of mocktails at the office), and mix or blend it in. We get questions about time of day - like "what if I take the libido boost in the morning - will I be randy all day?" Honestly, we don't know on that one. Please email us! :)

    In all seriousness, we add them to our smoothies daily and mix it up depending on how we feel. Wake up bloated, use the De-Puff boost, going through some "hot" times mix some Cool boost in. You've got it!

    Who came up with this crazy idea?

    Jacqui will tell you it was Alexis. Alexis will tell you it was Jacqui. We wanted to drink a delicious smoothie that actually helps us with what's going on with us! The boosts let that happen with ease.