5 Top Ways to Feel Great During Menopause: A Personal Journey - XO Jacqui

5 Top Ways to Feel Great During Menopause: A Personal Journey

I gained weight slowly, so I didn't really notice until I couldn't wear any of the clothes comfortably in my closet. Everything was tighter. I hadn't changed anything in my daily life. I was still exercising and eating healthy food, but I was eating a bit too much, indulging in sugar (even if not a lot), focusing more on cardio than lifting heavy weights, and struggling with sleep. Welcome to menopause.

This experience is common for many women entering perimenopause and menopause. Hormonal changes, especially the decline in estrogen, play a significant role in how our bodies store fat, particularly around the abdomen. This can lead to an average weight gain of 5 to 10 pounds during the transition.

I made the following 5 changes to my life and I can tell you it made a HUGE difference!

1. Eat Protein with Every Meal

  • Why Protein? Protein is essential for maintaining muscle mass, which helps keep your metabolism active. It also promotes satiety, reducing the likelihood of overeating.
  • How Much Protein Do You Need? Aim for at least 20-30 grams of protein per meal. For most women, this means about 0.8 to 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight daily. During perimenopause, some experts recommend increasing this to 1.2 to 1.5 grams per pound to help counter muscle loss and support metabolism.

2. Lift Weights Daily

  • Strength Training: Incorporate weight lifting or resistance training into your daily routine. This helps build and maintain muscle mass, boosting your metabolic rate and aiding in weight management.
  • Daily Routine: Aim for at least 20-30 minutes of weight lifting or resistance exercises each day, focusing on different muscle groups to allow for recovery.

3. Cut Out Sugar

  • Reduce Sugar Intake: Excess sugar can lead to weight gain and spikes in blood sugar levels, which can affect energy and mood. Eliminating or significantly reducing sugar from your diet can help stabilize your blood sugar and prevent unnecessary calorie consumption.

4. Limit Alcohol

  • Moderation is Key: Alcohol can add empty calories to your diet and affect your hormone balance. Limiting alcohol intake to occasional consumption can help manage your weight more effectively.

5. Prioritize Sleep

  • Improve Sleep Quality: Hormonal changes during menopause can affect sleep patterns. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night to support overall health and weight management.
  • Tips for Better Sleep: Establish a regular sleep schedule, create a restful environment, and avoid stimulants like caffeine close to bedtime.

Menopause doesn't have to be overwhelming. By making small, consistent changes to your daily routine, you can manage weight gain and just feel better. Remember, you’re not alone on this journey. Connect with our community on instagram @xojacquiproducts for more tips, resources, and support. Visit our website to explore our range of health-boosting products and join us in thriving through menopause together.

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