Monday Makeover: Thriving Through Menopause at Work - XO Jacqui

Monday Makeover: Thriving Through Menopause at Work

Alright weekend warriors, let's talk about Mondays. I figure if your reading this blog you have some relationship with Monday morning that you'd be interested in changing. Monday was already tough and then you throw menopause into the mix, and it's a whole new level of challenging. Research shows that Monday mornings are the most stressful time of the week for many people, with 76% of workers experiencing "Sunday Scaries" the night before. 

Women in menopause face additional hurdles, with 59% reporting that their symptoms negatively impact their work performance and 75% experiencing negative symptoms, with 25% describing them as severe​ (Newson Health Menopause Society)​​ (​. Let's shake things up a bit and make Mondays work for us. Here are five doable ways to tackle Monday like a boss, even during the throes of menopause.

1. In Bed by 9 on Sunday Night. Can You Do It?

What's your Monday morning routine? Stressing about everything you need to catch up on? Did you eat any protein this morning, or are you planning to grab a Starbucks latte and scone on your way to work? (That's 1900 calories, by the way—just in that moment). Or are you "lazy fasting," meaning you're too busy to eat breakfast so you call it intermittent fasting? Let's remake this Monday thing, and it can start on Friday afternoon. Close down the workweek on a high note by jotting down what's still on your plate to prioritize on Monday morning.

2. Give Yourself the 80/20 Rule for Food Over the Weekend

Indulge 20% of the time and start Saturday and Sunday off right with clean protein. Skip the heavy brunches and opt for something that will keep your energy stable. Remember, it’s not about depriving yourself but about making smarter choices.

3. Take a Cat Nap

A 15-minute nap on the weekend can refresh and recharge you. No, it's not lazy—it's strategic. A quick nap can boost your mood, improve your memory, and make you feel more alert.

4. Take a Leisure Stroll

Not a run-until-you-drop session that leaves you sore and tired on Monday. A leisurely stroll in the park, enjoying nature, can work wonders for your stress levels and give you that much-needed serotonin boost.

5. Spend Time with Positive People

Surround yourself with people who bring positive vibes. If there’s a challenging conversation you need to have, book it for Tuesday. Let Monday be a soft landing into the workweek. Schedule your first meeting to start an hour after you get to work—even if the commute is to your home office. This gives you time to settle in, enjoy a protein-packed breakfast, and start your day on a positive note.

Let's Remake Mondays

Mondays don't have to be dreadful. With a little preparation and self-care, we can turn them into a powerful start to our week. Remember, it's not just about surviving menopause—it's about thriving. Let's make this Monday makeover our new routine and show menopause who's boss.

Embrace these tips and transform your Mondays into a day of renewal and strength. You've got this!

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