I tried the sample pack originally and like all the flavors . I add a spoonful to my adaptogenic mushroom hot cocoa for a little protein boost. It doesn’t bother my IBS or sensitive tummy. I get to enjoy a variety of morning drinks with the different flavors options.
Is it possible to make a powder that is Unsweetened ? I add fruit n veggies on my own with almond milk that gives it enough sweetness. Please ?
Let us know Erika and we can send you one without any monk fruit.... Although we only put in a very small amount. :)
As a 60-year-old woman trying to get a handle on continuing menopause weight issues, I have been incorporating this protein powder to get more protein into my diet while I am also beginning to lift weights. The powder is so convenient and it’s a great way to get extra protein. I wish fiber was in this though. I add chia seeds.
As a vegetarian and being perimenopausal it’s difficult getting enough protein in my diet- these protein sources have been a game changer for me. It’s easy to use- delicious- and I feel better! I have recommended this product to many friends.
Like a lot of perimenopausal people right now, I have been focusing on getting more protein in my diet and cutting out the added sugars. Since I made this switch, I have added this protein powder to my oatmeal or to a smoothie every day. I love the taste and it helps make me feel full. I am feeling really great, have no bloating (which is a miracle for me) and have lost 12 pounds. Thank you for this fabulous product.
I live on disability so wishing it was alittle cheaper would of course be nice but ive tried a couple of others. This is the only one I feel I can notice benefits, gut health is better, helps to feel fuller longer I really do like this.
I travel a lot and am incredibly grateful to have the consistency of a nourishing smoothie with the perfect amount of protein. When I’m on the road it is water and XO / Jacqui. At home I love to follow the recipe suggestions on the website. I feel healthy and strong at 55!
These gals did it right, ingredients that are top notch, filling a void in the protein powder market, and backing it up with incredible customer service. Bravo Alexis & Jacqui
Adding a delicious xo Jacqui protein shake to my daily breakfast routine has been a game changer. Peri-menopause has been kicking me in the pants- adding a shake a day has given me a fighting chance! More energy- less carb cravings and hope that I will lose the unwanted extra weight.
I love this protein. It helps me top off my intake and it helps me feel more energized. I usually feel bloated w protein, not with this one.
Not sure how it’s helping but adding it and hoping for the best. I can tell it’s a clean product!! Appreciate the good ingredients !
De bloated me right away! Lovin it
Not to sweet and a little goes a long way!
Delicious and satiating!
I didn’t have occasion to try all the products that arrived in my package yet but, the protein powders are all good. Extremely light and easy to prep. Just added it to milk, juice or smoothie are digestible and filling.
I wish the glass bottle that comes with had a larger opening for proteins powder and easier to clean afterwards, instead I use it as water bottle. Overall I like the products and I will buy again.
Hi! I agree on the bottle. We are in the process of getting a new bottle with a wider opening. :) Thanks for the review and the feedback! Jacqui
Hi, I have really been enjoying the starter kit. I like it all and have felt great also. This is very satisfying and filling, with out feeling too full or getting bloated. I have just reordered. Thank you for this great product!
I’m very impressed with my initial experience taking Jacqui XO protein supplements. I feel more energetic, I worry less about getting enough protein each day, and I feel full longer and am less tempted to snack on unhealthy foods!
Thank you for the feedback. Made my day! Can you share your recipe with us? :)
the texture and flavor are so delicious and it keeps you full
Just tried the vanilla greens protein powder and found it easy to mix with orange juice. It tasted like a dream circle. It was not chalky and I plan on trying it with less sugary liquids like plant milk. I just ordered the post menopause bundle because I want to try other products after being so impressed by the protein powder on my first try.
Hi Pamela,
Thanks for the feedback. Much appreciated. The post menopause kit comes with Vanilla. Let me know if you would like me to swap it out for the Cacao flavor... and I recommend making almond milk as you blend. You can check out our recipe at https://xojacqui.com/pages/recipes
You can always email me directly at jacqui@xojacqui.com :)
I don’t have anything to report
I drink it daily
I feel nothing so far
Maybe in time I will
Still having my usual hot flashes
Still feeling dry skin, itching etc
Hi Judy,
Just curious - what are you mixing in with your powder? I also suffered form itchy skin - it drove me crazy. Now it is way less since I cut sugar totally out of my diet but everyone is different. A few women have reached out about Oat Milk - and that also tends to aggravate symptoms. Let me know! :)
I’m three weeks into incorporating XO Jacqui protein powder smoothies into my morning. It’s easy to use, I like the taste (not too sweet), and it DOES feel like the ingredients are easy on my digestion and providing the nourishment my body needs as I head into busy days.
This is my first order and it won’t be my last. The powder mixes in smoothly, tastes fine, and seems to make a difference with my usual post meal bloating.
I’ve been experiencing hot flashes now for over 5 years and when I heard about this product I was open to giving it a try. I’ve only been using it a couple of weeks now so I’ll be honest, Kurt is still out. Still have hot flashes but not giving up just yet!
Jury is still out. Only been using it for a week now.